The signal that you are being attacked by love
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kct31 December 2023

The signal that you are being attacked by love

Love is a complex emotion.With both positive and negative sides Sometimes love makes us feel happy, happy, lively. But sometimes love makes us feel sad and suffering. Even people who have never loved before It may feel the signal that is being hit by love. The signal that you are being hit by love Can […]

Love is a complex emotion.With both positive and negative sides
Sometimes love makes us feel happy, happy, lively.
But sometimes love makes us feel sad and suffering.
Even people who have never loved before
It may feel the signal that is being hit by love.

The signal that you are being hit by love
Can be divided into 2 main types as follows:

positive signs

  • You feel happy and excited every time you meet or talk to your loved ones.
  • You always miss him.
  • You want to spend time nearby.
  • You are happy when he is happy.
  • You feel sad when he is sad
  • You are thankful for having him in life

Negative signs

  • You feel jealous or jealous when you see him being with other people.
  • You are worried or worried when he is not near
  • You feel lost or lonely when he is not.
  • You feel sad or sad when he is disappointed.
  • You feel angry or hate him when he does something you don’t like.

In addition to these signalsThere are still other signs.
That may indicate that you are being attacked by love, such as

  • Emotional changes such as mood swings, easily irritated
    Good mood or sad.
  • Behavior changes such as
    Obsessed with a loverNeglecting work or study
    Spend too much time with him.
  • Physical changes such as
    Can’t sleep, can’t eat, get weight up or down

If you notice these signals in yourself
It is possible that he is being attacked by love.
It is important to know how to handle these feelings appropriately.
To make your love a happy and sustainable love

for how to deal with the positive signs of loveCan be done by

  • Spend more time with your loved ones
  • Share your feelings and ideas with him.
  • Show love to him by doing

As for how to deal with the negative signs of loveCan be done by

  • Try to understand the cause of those feelings
  • Find a way to handle those feelings appropriately, such as
    Talk to the person you trustFinding activities to relax
  • Consult a mental expert if necessary

The important thing is to remember that
Love is the emotions that every human nature has.
Therefore should not try to escape or reject these feelings
But should learn to handle it appropriately
To make your love a worthwhile and memorable experience

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