The signal that you are being attacked by love
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kct27 December 2023

The signal that you are being attacked by love

Love is a complex emotion that affects our body and mind. Sometimes love makes us feel happy, fresh and lively. But sometimes it makes us feel sad and sad as well. If you are wondering if you are being attacked by love or not Notice that they have these symptoms or not. You miss your […]

Love is a complex emotion that affects our body and mind.
Sometimes love makes us feel happy, fresh and lively.
But sometimes it makes us feel sad and sad as well.

If you are wondering if you are being attacked by love or not
Notice that they have these symptoms or not.

  • You miss your lover all the time
    No matter what you do, you always think of him.Missing until not workingNot studying
    Or even not eating

  • You feel happy and comfortable when near him
    When he was with him, he felt happy and comfortable.
    And like filling something in life

  • You agree to do everything for him
    Agree to do everything for him, regardless of himselfEven the little things are agreeing.

  • You feel jealous of him
    When he saw him with other people, he felt jealous.Afraid that he would love others more

  • You will change yourself for him
    Agreed to change himself to really match him
    And you don’t want to do that.

  • You feel lost when not with him.
    When he had to stay away from him, he felt lonely and sad. What’s lacking?

In addition to these signalsThere are still other signs.
Which indicates that you are being attacked by love, such as

  • You can’t sleep or sleep too much
  • You eat too much or eat too little
  • You are frustrated or mood swings
  • You have problems in focusing or concentration.
  • You feel tired or exhausted all the time.

If you have these symptoms
It is possible that you are being attacked by love.
It is important to know how to control your emotions and feelings.
Do not let love dominate life too.

If you feel in love with someoneBut felt that he was unable to control himself
Should consult psychological experts or therapists
To ask for advice on how to deal with love appropriately

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