Planting Tomatoes Sideways: How Growing in a Trench Results in Bigger Healthier Plants
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asia nikkeid11 December 2023

Planting Tomatoes Sideways: How Growing in a Trench Results in Bigger Healthier Plants

Planting Tomatoes Sideways: How Growing in a Trench Results in Bigger Healthier Plants Introduction In the world of gardening, the quest for larger and healthier tomato plants is a common goal. While there are various methods and techniques available, one particularly intriguing approach that has been gaining popularity is “Planting Tomatoes Sideways.” This method involves […]

Planting Tomatoes Sideways: How Growing in a Trench Results in Bigger Healthier Plants


In the world of gardening, the quest for larger and healthier tomato plants is a common goal. While there are various methods and techniques available, one particularly intriguing approach that has been gaining popularity is “Planting Tomatoes Sideways.” This method involves creating a trench in which tomato plants are placed horizontally instead of the traditional upright position. But does this technique really lead to bigger and healthier tomato plants? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of planting tomatoes sideways, the benefits it offers, and how you can implement this innovative approach in your garden.

Why Plant Tomatoes Sideways?

Maximizing Root Development

One of the key advantages of planting tomatoes sideways is the maximization of root development. When tomatoes are placed horizontally, they have the opportunity to produce more roots along their stem. As a result, this leads to a stronger and more extensive root system, which can absorb nutrients and water more efficiently. This increased root mass allows the plant to access a greater pool of resources, promoting healthier growth and ultimately larger fruit production.

Improved Soil Aeration

Planting tomatoes in a trench also provides improved soil aeration. The trench allows for better soil drainage, preventing water from pooling around the roots, which can lead to rot and disease. Additionally, the increased oxygen in the soil promotes root respiration, enhancing the overall health of the plant. Well-aerated soil creates a thriving environment for beneficial soil microorganisms, contributing to a balanced ecosystem in your garden.

How to Plant Tomatoes Sideways

Step 1: Selecting the Right Location

Start by choosing a suitable location for your tomato plants. Pick a spot in your garden with well-drained soil and receive at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily. Proper sunlight exposure is crucial for tomato plants to thrive and produce healthy fruits.

Step 2: Digging the Trench

Dig a trench that is approximately 6-8 inches deep and long enough to accommodate your tomato plant. Make sure it’s wide enough to comfortably lay the plant sideways with room for additional soil.

Step 3: Preparing Your Tomato Plant

Before planting, remove the lower leaves from your tomato plant, leaving only the top few sets of leaves. This will allow you to bury a significant portion of the stem in the trench.

Step 4: Planting Sideways

Carefully place the tomato plant horizontally in the trench, ensuring that only the upper part of the plant with the leaves remains above the soil. Gently bend the plant upwards at the end of the trench.

Step 5: Covering and Mulching

Fill the trench with soil, covering the stem and leaving the upper part of the plant exposed. Mulch the area around the trench to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Step 6: Watering and Maintenance

Water the newly planted tomato thoroughly, and be consistent with your watering schedule to keep the soil consistently moist. As the tomato plant grows, you may need to provide support, such as staking, to ensure it remains upright.

Benefits of Growing Tomatoes Sideways

Enhanced Disease Resistance

Planting tomatoes sideways can contribute to enhanced disease resistance. The improved soil drainage and aeration reduce the risk of common tomato diseases such as root rot and fungal infections. This results in healthier plants that are less prone to diseases, ultimately leading to better fruit production.

Increased Fruit Production

The extensive root system developed through sideways planting allows the tomato plant to access a greater reservoir of nutrients and water. This translates into increased fruit production and larger, more flavorful tomatoes. If you’re looking to boost your harvest, this method is certainly worth trying.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Can I plant all tomato varieties sideways?

A1: Yes, you can plant most tomato varieties sideways. However, determinate varieties may not benefit as much as indeterminate ones, as they have a more limited growth period.

Q2: When is the best time to plant tomatoes sideways?

A2: The ideal time for planting tomatoes sideways is in the spring when the soil has warmed up and there is no longer a risk of frost.

Q3: Should I use any specific soil mix for planting tomatoes sideways?

A3: A well-draining soil mix with compost is suitable for planting tomatoes sideways. Ensure the soil is rich in organic matter for the best results.

Q4: Do I need to prune my tomato plant when planting sideways?

A4: It’s recommended to remove the lower leaves of the tomato plant before planting it sideways to encourage root development. Regular pruning during the growing season can help manage the plant’s size.


Planting tomatoes sideways in a trench offers numerous benefits, including enhanced root development, improved soil aeration, disease resistance, and increased fruit production. While it might seem unconventional, this innovative approach has proven to be a valuable addition to any gardener’s toolkit. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering the provided tips, you can take your tomato gardening to the next level and enjoy healthier, more abundant tomato crops.


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