How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful medical terms to learn
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kct4 October 2023

How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful medical terms to learn

How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful Medical Terms to Learn Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to say “Doctor” in Japanese and learn other useful medical terms. We understand the importance of clear communication, especially in a medical context, and that’s why we’ve put together this detailed resource to help you navigate […]

How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful Medical Terms to Learn

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to say “Doctor” in Japanese and learn other useful medical terms. We understand the importance of clear communication, especially in a medical context, and that’s why we’ve put together this detailed resource to help you navigate the Japanese healthcare system or simply expand your language skills. At [Your Website Name], we take pride in offering top-notch content to help you master the art of expressing medical terms in Japanese with precision and confidence.

Understanding Medical Terminology in Japanese

How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful medical terms to learn 1

Medical terminology can be challenging in any language, and Japanese is no exception. To effectively communicate with healthcare professionals or understand medical documents in Japan, it’s essential to grasp key terms. Let’s delve into some of the most important ones:

1. How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese

In Japanese, the word for “Doctor” is “医者” (isha). Pronounced as “ee-sha,” it’s a fundamental term you’ll need when seeking medical assistance in Japan.

2. Common Medical Terms

– Hospital: 病院 (byouin)

When you’re in need of medical attention, knowing how to locate a hospital is crucial. “病院” (byouin) is the word you should remember.

– Nurse: 看護師 (kangoshi)

Nurses play a vital role in healthcare. “看護師” (kangoshi) is the term for a nurse in Japanese.

– Prescription: 処方箋 (shohousen)

If a doctor prescribes medication, you’ll receive a “処方箋” (shohousen) or prescription.

– Symptoms: 症状 (shoujou)

When describing your condition, it’s helpful to know the word for “symptoms,” which is “症状” (shoujou).

3. Seeking Medical Help

When visiting a healthcare facility in Japan, it’s essential to be clear about your needs. You can use phrases like:

  • “助けてください” (tasukete kudasai) – “Please help me.”
  • “痛いです” (itai desu) – “It hurts.”
  • “医者が必要です” (isha ga hitsuyou desu) – “I need a doctor.”

Additional Resources

How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful medical terms to learn 2

For more in-depth information on medical terminology and language learning resources, visit [Your Website Name]. We offer a wide range of tools and guides to enhance your Japanese language skills, ensuring you can communicate effectively in various situations.


How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful medical terms to learn 3

Navigating medical terminology in a foreign language can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and resources, you can feel confident when seeking medical assistance in Japan. Remember to practice these essential medical terms, and don’t hesitate to explore our website for more language-learning materials.

Thank you for choosing [Your Website Name] as your language-learning partner. We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your language goals. For any questions or additional information, please refer to our FAQ section below.

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How to Say “Doctor” in Japanese – Useful medical terms to learn 4

Q1: Are there any other ways to say “Doctor” in Japanese?
A1: While “医者” (isha) is the most common term, you may also encounter “医師” (ishi), which has the same meaning.

Q2: Can you recommend any Japanese language courses for beginners?
A2: Certainly! Visit our website for a list of recommended Japanese language courses tailored to beginners.

Q3: How can I improve my pronunciation of Japanese medical terms?
A3: Check out our pronunciation guide on the website for tips and practice exercises.

Q4: Is it necessary to learn Japanese for traveling to Japan?
A4: While not mandatory, learning basic Japanese phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience in Japan.

Thank you for choosing [Your Website Name] as your language-learning partner. We’re here to support your journey into the world of Japanese medical terminology and beyond.

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