How to make new makeup 2024
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kct29 December 2023

How to make new makeup 2024

How to make new makeup2024 make -up is an art that requires skills and expertise in creating the desired look. But for beginners, it may be difficult to learn various techniques. All at one time, so it is important to start from the foundation and gradually Develop skills little by little The following is a […]

How to make new makeup2024

make -up is an art that requires skills and expertise in creating the desired look.
But for beginners, it may be difficult to learn various techniques.
All at one time, so it is important to start from the foundation and gradually
Develop skills little by little

The following is a basic makeup steps for beginners.

1.Prepare the skin

The skin preparation is the most important step in makeup.
Because it will help make the cosmetics last longer and look more natural
This step should begin by washing your face thoroughly with the appropriate cleansing product.
Then followed by using toner to adjust the skin and eliminate dirt or excess oil.
Then apply skin cream to increase moisture and protect the skin from pollution.

2.Apply foundation

Foundation is a product that helps to conceal dark circles, acne, and dark spots on the face.
Choose the area with texture and shades that are suitable for your skin type.
Then apply the foundation all over the face and neck using a sponge or makeup brush

3.Apply concealer

concealer is a product that helps to conceal dark circles.
And only dark spots where the foundation cannot be concealed
Choose a concealer with texture and shades that are suitable for your skin type.
Then apply the concealer in the area that needs to be concealed using a finger or makeup brush


The powder is a product that helps to set up cosmetics for a long time.
Choose flour with texture and shades that are suitable for your skin type.
Then apply the flour all over the face and neck using a makeup brush


Eyebrows are important duties.
Therefore, it is important to focus on drawing eyebrows.
Choose eyebrow pencils or eyebrow mascara that has the same color to your hair color.
Then draw the eyebrows to your face.

Apply eye shadow

Eye shadow is a product that helps to paint the eyes.
Can choose the eye shadow color as needed
Then apply the eyeshadow all over the eyelid using makeup brush

Writing eyeliner

eyeliner is a product that helps to make the eyes look clear.
Choose eyeliner with texture and color that is suitable for the desired look.
Then write the eyeliner as in your eyes.


Mascara is a product that helps to make the eyelashes longer and thicker.
Choose a mascara with formulas and colors that are suitable for the desired look.
After that, Tamascara is all over the eyelashes.

Apply lipstick

Lipstick is a product that helps to paint the lips.
You can choose lipstick colors as needed.Then apply lipstick all over the lips.

10.Cosmetic set

Cosmetic setting will help make the cosmetics last longer.
You can choose cosmetic products as needed.
Then use the cosmetic settings all over the face and neck.

This is a basic makeup step for beginners.
You can start practicing these steps until you are skilled.
Then gradually add various techniquesGo as needed

Tips for beginners

  • Start with products with simple textures and colors
  • Apply a little cosmetics and then gradually add a little.
  • regularly practice for expertise

Have fun with makeup!

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