Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan
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nhk or8 October 2023

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate, Japan Introduction When it comes to discovering the hidden gems of Japan, Hakodate is a destination that often goes unnoticed but should not be overlooked. Situated in the southernmost part of Hokkaido, this charming city offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty that promises an […]

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate, Japan


Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan 1

When it comes to discovering the hidden gems of Japan, Hakodate is a destination that often goes unnoticed but should not be overlooked. Situated in the southernmost part of Hokkaido, this charming city offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty that promises an unforgettable experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the top five things to do in Hakodate, ensuring that your visit to this enchanting city is nothing short of extraordinary.

1. Explore the Goryokaku Fortress

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan 2

A Historical Marvel

Hakodate’s rich history is beautifully preserved in the form of the Goryokaku Fortress. Shaped like a star, this historical site once played a crucial role during the Bakumatsu period and the Boshin War. Today, it is a serene park, perfect for strolling and picnicking. Don’t forget to visit the Goryokaku Tower for a panoramic view of the fortress and its surroundings.

2. Savor Hakodate’s Fresh Seafood

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan 3

A Culinary Adventure

No visit to Hakodate would be complete without indulging in its delectable seafood offerings. The morning fish market, known as “Asaichi,” is a seafood lover’s paradise. Sample the freshest catches, including succulent crab, melt-in-your-mouth uni (sea urchin), and sweet scallops. Hakodate’s seafood is a testament to the city’s coastal location and is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

3. Ascend Mount Hakodate

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan 4

A Breathtaking Vista

For a view that will leave you speechless, ascend Mount Hakodate via the ropeway or hiking trail. The vista from the summit is especially captivating during sunset. As the sun dips below the horizon, the cityscape below transforms into a sea of shimmering lights, creating a truly magical experience.

4. Visit Motomachi District

Discover 5 Things to Do in Hakodate in Japan 5

A Blend of Cultures

Motomachi, Hakodate’s historic district, boasts a delightful fusion of Japanese and Western architecture. Explore charming churches, European-style buildings, and quaint cafes. Stroll along the cobblestone streets, and you’ll feel as though you’ve stepped into a different era.

5. Relax at Yunokawa Onsen

Soak in Serenity

To complete your journey in Hakodate, rejuvenate your body and soul at Yunokawa Onsen. This traditional Japanese hot spring resort offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The soothing waters and serene atmosphere will leave you refreshed and invigorated.

What Others Are Saying

Gen Z Review:

“OMG, Hakodate is lit! ???? The Goryokaku Fortress is like stepping into a historical movie, and the seafood here is straight fire. Don’t even get me started on the view from Mount Hakodate at sunset – it’s, like, next-level beautiful. And Motomachi? It’s like a vibe, with all those cool buildings and cafes. Yunokawa Onsen is the cherry on top – total relaxation mode. 10/10 would recommend, fam! ???? #HakodateVibes #JapanAdventures”


In conclusion, Hakodate is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered in the Land of the Rising Sun. From its rich historical sites to its delectable cuisine and breathtaking vistas, Hakodate offers an array of experiences that will leave you in awe. So, don’t miss the opportunity to explore this enchanting city and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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